How to start writing in English?

Reading & writing any language is a superpower especially if you can do so efficiently & effectively. Before you can acquire the skill of writing, you need to make it a habit. I found out in my own journey that once I develop a habit then naturally I get better at what I am doing be it learning a language or a musical instrument.

In this article I am going to mention a few ideas that can help you develop better writing technique & in general become a better English speaker.

Start Journaling

Writing can be as simple as journaling about your day to day activities. You can write a paragraph or two regarding what went on today or days before. You can also contemplate about what you would like to do in the near future.

Even if you are in a period where nothing special happening, you can write about that. In fact you can start with: “I don’t know what I should write…” . The main point is to continue to do it everyday. In the beginning it might be very challenging but hang in there!

Little more conversation

Do you have or did you have a friend who was from another country? Do you or did you speak with them in English? Maybe it’s time to write them an email to see how are things going with them. It’s always lovely when somebody writes you just to know how you are doing & don’t want to ask you to do them a favour.

In case you don’t have anybody to write to, you might want to check out Pen Pal where you can send & receive from a total stranger. This idea is very old & originally it started as a process where people sent each other actual mail (with an envelope & a stamp) but now it is available to you online.

Fantasy & Summary

Do you have fantasies? Maybe you would like to travel to a certain place or you have a picture of your dream house or car with all the details. Why don’t you write about it? You can learn a lot of vocabulary doing this exercise just let your mind imagine freely. The stranger, sillier & greater than life the better. After all it’s just a private note for you!

If that is not your cup of tea, maybe you want to write a review or summary about the recent movie or TV show you watched? Or a book you read? You can even share it online with other people in websites such as IMDB or goodreads.

Read to write

We tend to read much more than we write. This is even true for professional writers who publish books frequently. While reading, your brain automatically picks up different vocabulary, ways of expressions & different techniques.

Just like anything else mentioned here, it might be challenging in the beginning but don’t give up too early. Did you know on average we need around 3 weeks to develop a new habit? If you are interested to make the reading experience more fun, check out this article on reading where I give some useful tips.


Regardless of your English level, the mentioned ideas can be useful. I am a native speaker & I do everything here on a regular basis because not only it is proven to develop my language skills but in fact they are very educational & have helped me in many areas of life.

I wish you a lot of luck in your language learning journey.